Sunday, February 24, 2013

Perspective & Photography

Our next assignment is going to move us into a new color scheme.  I want you to focus on learning Perspective through Photography.  So I will be teaching you how to draw using perspective, how to take photographs of perspective and how to use different types of color schemes.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Warm/Cool Color Assessment

Now that you have completed your 3rd painting in Art 2, tell me what you think your strengths overall are and what you think you need to work on when it comes to painting.  Did you get better in the area that I told you to work on?  I would also like you to tell me one thing that you would like to do  this semester in Art 2.  Go onto the internet and research something that you would like to do and then paste a link to an example of what you would like to do in your post and also explain what aspect you would like to do in Art 2. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Keep Working!

                                                           Hi Everyone,

Happy Valentines Day!  Sorry I am out today, I will be back tomorrow.  Please continue working on your new paintings.  One thing I noticed a lot yesterday was that everyone was going away from showing me a range of dark to light in each section.  One of my main goals for this assignment is that NO sections are a solid color.  If you need help and want to wait until I get back to help you on Friday that is fine.  Use class time as a study hall if that is the case. 

See you all on Friday,
Mrs. Schneid

Click here to watch the VHS Cool School 2 minute video!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Descriptive Word Art

So for this next assignment you will be choosing one word from the box up front to base your entire artwork on.  So if your word is "MYSTICAL" you will think of something that you believe represents the word MYSTICAL.  And everyone can take there own spin on the word, as words mean several different things when used in different contexts.  You may do any of the following for your artwork:

*Find an image on the Internet that represents your word to draw out.
*Think up and draw something from your head that represents your word and then draw it out from memory or use some visual references as needed.
*Get images (from home or around the classroom) to draw that represent your word.
*Walk around and take a picture of something that represents your word and then print it and draw it out.

MY EXAMPLE: So if my word is Mystical-I might find a picture of something from Salvidor Dali's style of art (as he is my favorite artist) and then try to use his same style but use a different image to create something similar to what he did.  If you want to be able to call the art 100% your own you need to learn to start "not copying exactly what you see on the internet" and instead changing it at least 40%.  Kind of a rule of thumb you should try to go by in art.  

Monday, February 4, 2013

Mono Assessment

Answer the following question in full detail on your Monochromatic Painting.

Now take a look at your finished piece and describe what elements of the piece you believe were successful.  Describe your piece using at least 5 art terms in full sentences.  Then tell me how you think you have improved from your black and white block to this lesson and how.