Sunday, April 28, 2013

Drawing the Face!

A special shout out to all of you who came to the Fine Arts Fair and especially those of you who helped me.  THANK YOU so much!  You all Rock!  It was a huge success thanks to you all.  


The key to being successful at drawing people and facial features is PRACTICING.  Think about what makes us good at what we do-we PRACTICE. You are not going to draw the face the first time and it will turn out wonderful, but after drawing several faces and features you will see improvement.


Let's get up close and personal.  And pay close attention to the shapes and curves that make your facial features different then other peoples.  We are gong to start this unit off with practicing drawing each facial feature separate several times.  Once I see that you are feeling comfortable with those we will then move onto putting the facial features into an actual face layout.  

Lets begin with EYES:

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