Thursday, September 6, 2012

End of Project #1

Assessing your Art 

When you finish your typography collages I would like you to go onto the blog site, get signed in and respond to the following questions in the comments section below.  I would like for you to assess the artwork that you have created and get your insights on the lesson as well.

1.  Tell me what stands out in your artwork that makes you enjoy looking at it-you must choose one thing and tell me why you believe that section is successful.

2.  I chose to have you create this artwork because it gets you to think about shading in a new element.  It is an abstract way of thinking that will help you to truly see value in the form of ink with works-AKA Typography.  With that said tell me what part of this assignment was a struggle for you and if you could have changed one thing in this assignment what would it have been.

3.  Next I would like you too look on the board of similar projects from the other Art 2 classes and describe one of the artworks that you really like and I would like for you to use at least 5 art terms to describe their artwork in full detail.  Please write in complete sentences.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1. I liked this project because it involved a lot of creativity and planning. I liked doing the background because you had to use your imagination to decide what to make it.
    2. The hardest struggle was finding certain colors to use in the project.
    3. I liked the Audrey Hepburn Picture, it looks just like her, so it is very realistic, the texture is smooth, it is spaced out very well, and it is visually appealing.

  3. 1. I think the colors in my picture stand out a lot and it makes it fun to look at.
    2. I could have done the shading better i had more color then shading in mine.
    3. I think the piece next to Lebron is the best that person did a very good job and really worked hard on it.

    1. I think the art piece next Lebron is the best. It is very colorful and the colors are very balanced out. The texture is good and i like how they overlapped somethings.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 1.I personally liked the way I did my hair and the glasses well on my project I think its a great length and it overlapped well.The glasses on my project were probably my best.

    2.If I had to change one thing it would be the way I did the skin on my project. The color on my skin wasn't great because it did gradually get a little darker

    3.I was a very big fan of the Marylin Monroe Portrait. It was drawn very well,the color makes it look almost like real life. The Lines were drawn better than anything I could do It all around had a great form

    1. The color contrast was the best Ive seen.From my perspective it was the best.

  6. i liked the extremes between the black and white

    if i could change one thing i would change that i did my small and would do it large

    i like the jason mask with the color balance shading shape and texture

    1. This is not good enough for me. You need to be more detailed on your descriptions. You can add to this for more points if you wish. Just let me know if you do.
      Mrs. S

  7. 1. The Tower. Because of the white background.
    2.The main struggle was trying to find the colors that matched the color that you were using or a color similar.
    3. I like the picture 2nd from the top on the left on the board closer to the door. You can tell that they took their time and works had on it. Its really good! They had very good penmanship in the background.

    1. Please write in complete sentences and make sure you add 5 art terms like I asked.
      MRs. S

  8. 1. I like how I did katy perry was successful I think it was good because you can tell its a person
    2. The struggle for me was the face, it was hard to do the eyes and nose and lips because you had to find the different colors for everything
    3 I liked the mask one, the shading is amazing because it looks like it is 3-D and you could almost touch it

    1. It also has texture, shape, and symmetry. Because it is very cleanly done...

  9. 1. I really liked doing the background because it was just very simple and fun to put random funny pictures everywhere.
    2. One struggle i had was finding the different color type and background to use as shading. One thing I would have changed was probably using white text then coloring it to shade easier.
    3. I personally like the Jason mask. Sure it doesn't use all the space in the picture but it shows no lines throughout the mask. The color of it fits perfectly along with the shading.

    1. The background really emphasizes the mask by using a really light color to make the mask pop out more.

  10. 1}i believe i like the shading i did in my art work it diffidently looks neat it goes from dark to light in a nice way.
    2} I didn't really do the exact assignment but i did do some really cool texture to the words to make it stand out an make it look like its coming out at you.
    3}I like how one person used a lot of color an emphasized the facial parts it has a nice balance with the shades an also has a abstract effect.

    1. Savannah, I need you to be more specific in your descriptions. Really tell me which artwork you like and why you like it. Describe what you see. What are the colors? What sections are balanced? Keep this in mind for your next blog.
      Mrs. S

  11. 1 none

    2 i don't know

    3 i don't like none of them

    1. Colten, this is not an assessment. You need to talk about your art and others in full sentences using art terms. You may redo this and let me know when you finish so that I can give you credit.
      Mrs. Schneid

  12. 1. I like Jennifer Lopez I think she would do good to put me in the artist of the week she is good to me she looks perfect to me so that's why I made her because I'm a Huge fan of Jennifer Lopez. What do all think of her?
    2. I think my art is good it's okay but I think people will think it's no good looking.
    3. I love the Katy Perry work it's what I can ART, I love the Colors, to its awesome so Balance that's nice, the Lines, in the background is sweet the Value is so very cool I love it.

  13. I liked the black and white mix and extremes between them.
    i wish i could change the size of mine and i would have made it bigger.
    I love the audrey hepburn one because the person had great color and intensity i like that the colors pop and that the shapes they used were very creative and unique i like the boldness and the shades they used for the face.

    1. This one was much better Courtney. THank you for taking the time to redo your post. I really appreciate it.
      Mrs. S

  14. 1. Tell me what stands out in your artwork that makes you enjoy looking at it-you must choose one thing and tell me why you believe that section is successful.

    It stands out a soldier that went to battle and I like is it is supposed to stand out to be careful.

    2. I chose to have you create this artwork because it gets you to think about shading in a new element. It is an abstract way of thinking that will help you to truly see value in the form of ink with works-AKA Typography. With that said tell me what part of this assignment was a struggle for you and if you could have changed one thing in this assignment what would it have been.

    The color it did not look good I should have put more stuff on it and put more effect on it

    3. Next I would like you too look on the board of similar projects from the other Art 2 classes and describe one of the artworks that you really like and I would like for you to use at least 5 art terms to describe their artwork in full detail. Please write in complete sentences.

    I like the lebron james one it is colorful and not it looked liken him kinda and In think its really good

    1. You were to use 5 art terms. Be more specific.
      Mrs. S

  15. 1. The Tower. Because of the white background.
    2.The main struggle was trying to find the colors that matched the color that you were using or a color similar.
    3. I like the picture 2nd from the top on the left on the board closer to the door. You can tell that they took their time and works had on it. Its really good! They had very good penmanship the handwriting is very neat in the background. And the texture looks smoother then most peoples pictures.

    1. Much better. Thank you for going back and redoing the assessment.
      MRs. S

  16. 1. i liked mine because i had different shades of black/ gray background .
    2. my main struggle was to make my picture pop out and try to make it similar to the real picture.
    3. I liked the tower because it looked challenging and it came out really good. and the five characteristics are that i like the structure, colors , texture, the space that was filled in, i like how the balance of colors changed,

    1. You need to be more specific with your how the art terms are used in the picture you like. If you need help please let me know.
      Mrs. S

  17. I like that the red text in my background , I believe it flows with the vibe & pops . The one thing I had a struggle with was probs the shading of the face. I gave up too early on doing the shading & it turned out more abstract as planned. I like the Abraham Lincoln collage. In the face I like the shapes and shades of the blue. The shapes are blue triangles & parallelograms. There are also some abstract shapes. Theres a lot of contrasts of blue , they range from light blue , to medium , to dark. I think the background is pretty neat , its very ideational. There is a very large variety of pictures.

  18. 1. I believe the shading stands out because it creates a nice contrast of colors that draw the viewers' attention. It also transitions nicely between shades.

    2. One struggle for me was finding the right color for the right spot. Sometimes the different colors would look completely different than I imagined and I would have to search through multiple magazines to find the color I want.

    3. I like the Obama picture. Their is a nice transition from the darker shades and the lighter areas. The background having a separate color from the rest of it creates a nice contrast as well.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Please write your sentences out in full sentences. You should always re-say the question in your response. See me if you don't understand.
      MRs. S

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. 1. i believe the background stands out the best because its a nice color red and it pops the face out.

    2. finding the right color gray was a struggle I would change the size of his head

    3. I like Taylor Swift becasue it has many colors. I love the spaced out background. I also like the texture of her hair. The balance of different colors is very good.

    1. Good start, you can elaborate more in number 3
      Mrs. S

  22. 1. What stands out in my artwork is the shading. It accents the cheekbones and the dark lighting on his face. Also the orange background really makes this collage portrait pop.
    2. The struggle i had with this project was eyes, It was hard to show eyelashes on him. It was also hard to collage the bags under his eyes.
    3. I like The marilyn Monroe. It shows great depth and great contrast between the background and the portrait. The composition of colors really makes the portrait stand out. You can really tell who it is from any persons perspective. She also has very good shading with the pink darker near the face then shading out to white.

  23. 1. The things that I like most of my art work is the background. I like how it is colorful and organized. I believe that this section is successful because it really makes the whole picture pop! It brings out the black and white shading of the object.
    2. One part of this assignment that was a struggle to me was trying to find the right colors throughout the magazines and newspapers. I would not change anything I thought this project was fun and it challenged us to really try and focus on the shading.
    3. The project that caught my eye was the portrait of Audrey Hepburn one. It had a lot of color in it and I like how she did the cigarette holder, it helped me find out who it was. I also like how she wrote quotes from her for the background and the way she made the collage of the face blend so well. It made me stop and really look at the photo and read it, instead of just passing it by. Her artwork was really well done, you could tell she took her time doing it.

    1. GREAT Assessment! Thanks for being so thorough.
      Mrs. S

  24. 1. The skin color in my picture stands out and i think it looks really good.
    2. Cutting the background was a struggle for me because it was hard to judge where to cut. I would have changed the overall size of the project
    3. I like The Marilyn Monroe. It shows depth and great contrast between the background and the rest of the artwork The composition of the colors makes the portrait pop You can tell who it is, even if you dont know who she is. She also has very good shading throughout the piece

  25. 1.)the thing that stands out in my project is the background because its bright and colorful and it just brings your eyes to it and then it draws your eyes to the guy.
    2.)the thing that was a struggle for me was cutting out all of the little pecies and pasting them were they are.the thing that i would have changed was really nothing but it was a long time to do it.
    3.)the project that draws my attention is the Eiffel Tower in the car mirror. i really like the tints of the picture on how you can see the shades and the change of the darks and the lights. i like how the effel tower pops from the picture like its the noe thing that really catches your eye. it doesn't have that much color but you don't need color to make something really pretty. its not 3-dimentinal its 2-dimentinal but its still pretty.

  26. 1. Tell me what stands out in your artwork that makes you enjoy looking at it-you must choose one thing and tell me why you believe that section is successful.
    I think the biggest thing that stood out in my picture was the hair, because it added much needed color to the portrait.

    2. I chose to have you create this artwork because it gets you to think about shading in a new element. It is an abstract way of thinking that will help you to truly see value in the form of ink with works-AKA Typography. With that said tell me what part of this assignment was a struggle for you and if you could have changed one thing in this assignment what would it have been.
    The hardest part of my portrait was getting all of the little pieces of the newspaper i used to fit into the parts they needed to fill. If i could make any changes, i'd probably have to make a more colorful background and skin color.

    3. Next I would like you too look on the board of similar projects from the other Art 2 classes and describe one of the artworks that you really like and I would like for you to use at least 5 art terms to describe their artwork in full detail. Please write in complete sentences.
    I liked the Lebron James one, even though he sucks. I think that it looked very cool and colorful.

  27. 1. I think that the shading in the face turned out really well

    2. Finding all of the different shades was some what hard because I had to go through many magazines to find the right shade. I would change how we had to do a background because that could be hard making it look good to the picture.

    3. I like the Lebron James because it has a nice contrast if color. The piece of art does not have a nice background. The person cut the paper into different shapes to fill in the lines.

  28. 1. Tell me what stands out in your artwork that makes you enjoy looking at it-you must choose one thing and tell me why you believe that section is successful.
    I think I did it really need which makes it nice to look at. The picture is really clear.

    2. I chose to have you create this artwork because it gets you to think about shading in a new element. It is an abstract way of thinking that will help you to truly see value in the form of ink with works-AKA Typography. With that said tell me what part of this assignment was a struggle for you and if you could have changed one thing in this assignment what would it have been.
    I think I struggled with the shading, I didn't know how to put them correctly to make it look like it was different shapes.
    3. Next I would like you too look on the board of similar projects from the other Art 2 classes and describe one of the artworks that you really like and I would like for you to use at least 5 art terms to describe their artwork in full detail. Please write in complete sentences.
    I like the color I used for the background because it brought out my whole picture. My pattern also stayed the same throughout the project. I used a good amount of space with my object and the background looked good The mickey mouse portrait looked very good.

  29. 1. Tell me what stands out in your artwork that makes you enjoy looking at it-you must choose one thing and tell me why you believe that section is successful. I like the colors in my art.

    2. The drawing part was a struggle for me.

    3. i really like all the colorful projects.

  30. 1. i believe that her outline is the best / mainly because i did it my self and i didn't use the grid.

    2. The part i struggled the most with was the shading with the different ink .
    3 like the Lebron James one cause it uses lots of color and different shapes to make it different

  31. My art work stands out because of the curly long hair and the teal blue background. I believe it was successful because I took my time and paid attention to detail.

    I struggle on finding a newspaper or magazine that match my person color and shade. Also making it look neat, and being able to see the nose and lips shapes were difficult. I would change the shape of the ears because one was a little bigger than the other

    I like the LeBron one because of its colorful background and the attention to detail. I like the idea of spelling out his name with different letters from different magazines.I also like the shape and the balanced color of the teeth . His face also had nice shading and blend the paper well and neatly.

  32. 1. The part that stands out to me the most is his curly hair. (His name is Gianluca by the way.) It stands out because it isn't just one big piece of black in the shape of hair, it's a bunch of individual curls! (Which took a lot of time.) This fact is also what makes it successful. I think it draws you in to look at the detail of all the hair. It took the most time to do.

    2. For me the most difficult part was the face. (I'm just flat out not good with human faces.) The angle at which his face was made it difficult for me to shade it accurately in a way that it wouldn't look odd or abnormal. It was also a struggle to find the right shades since there were many different types of gray found in magazines. If I could change one thing on my assignment It would have to be the shading on the eyes. It just looks a tad bit weird...not a tad bit, it DOES look weird. I think I should have used a little bit lighter gray.

    3. I LOVE BRITTANY'S PROJECT! Hers is just breath-taking! The shading of the face is superb! The contrast between him and the background is really vivid. This is because the black and white stands out from the bright primary colors that make up the background. It just makes him really pop out at you.

  33. Tell me what stands out in your artwork that makes you enjoy looking at it-you must choose one thing and tell me why you believe that section is successful.
    the moon stands out because it is the main thing in the picture and it is a good shade.

    if you could have changed one thing in this assignment what would it have been.
    The part I struggled with was the shading over the water

    Next I would like you too look on the board of similar projects from the other Art 2 classes and describe one of the artworks that you really like and I would like for you to use at least 5 art terms to describe their artwork in full detail.  Please write in complete sentences. 1-The Lebron james picture has great shading in the face area
    2-the face in his artwork has great shape and 3-balance because it is just the right color
    4- the texture of the picture I liked because I there was the right color from the texture of the artwork
    5- I liked the creativity because It had a good colors

  34. dalis mustache its a very iconic symbol and i feel i did it very well

    the biggest struggle i had was switching my brain from shading and blending to kinda just stitching different shades together im not very good at trying different things and this switch was defiantly a struggle for me

    codys was amazing i enjoyed how the colors in the background really made the face pop also how the texture she added in the hair was really cool there was very little negative space in her drawing witch made it nice the values of how she went from such a bright color to a flat black and whight drawing was aso smart

  35. When you finish your typography collages I would like you to go onto the blog site, get signed in and respond to the following questions in the comments section below. I would like for you to assess the artwork that you have created and get your insights on the lesson as well.

    1. Tell me what stands out in your artwork that makes you enjoy looking at it-you must choose one thing and tell me why you believe that section is successful. I like how you can actually tell who the person is in my art work. I love how well i shaded his face and how his features stand out. This is one of my best pieces ever.

    2. I chose to have you create this artwork because it gets you to think about shading in a new element. It is an abstract way of thinking that will help you to truly see value in the form of ink with works-AKA Typography. With that said tell me what part of this assignment was a struggle for you and if you could have changed one thing in this assignment what would it have been.
    If i could change one thing it would be using the magazine articles. It was really hard trying to find articles to match perfectly when you run out of the color you are using.
    3. Next I would like you too look on the board of similar projects from the other Art 2 classes and describe one of the artworks that you really like and I would like for you to use at least 5 art terms to describe their artwork in full detail. Please write in complete sentences. I like the Marilyn Monroe project. I feel like a lot of effort and time were put into the piece. The shading of the hair was perfect. I love how intense the lips were. They really stood out. The shadows were blended very nicely. It was a perfect picture of her.

  36. 1.) I liked the burnt edges in my artwork. I think it is fitting because she is 'the girl on fire.' It was also a lot of fun to do!

    2.) I really did like this project but if I could change something, it would have to be the magazines. Often times I ran out of the right shade and it took a long time to try and find more. (If there was more.)

    3.) I really like Allison's project. I just thought she did a fantastic job of using different shades to make it look more realistic. She put a lot of time into little details like the shadows under his fingers. I also really liked how she put the Italian flag in the background. It was clever and it also made the black and white pop because of the bright colors. I also really liked how she did the hair. Instead of just a big piece of black, she did each curl and it made it have more depth.

  37. i believe the hair really brings out the details in the drawing. when you look at it from farter away it looks like i really drew it or painted it fully and not used words.

    one thing i struggled on was getting the right colors in the words and sizes to make the picture look like it should.

    i liked mckenzies art. it looked really realistic and stood out to me. it was smooth and all the textures matched to make the words look good

  38. 1.I liked the background of my piece it looked different. The background was different in that reason I liked how it gave me a different perspective of my project it made my main object stick out in my mind.

    2.The thing I found struggling on this assignment was finding the right colors to use. And That I couldn't find the right designs for this project.If I could to change anything probably The main piece because it was hard to find colors to blend with it.

    3.Andrew Volzer because his piece had well shaded parts and you can tell that he really worked on this really well. He kept it consistent the with the flow of the different shades and it looked really good overall.He blended the different pieces of paper well.

  39. I think my painted hair in this picture really stands out, adds definition and texture to my art work. I think i really made a statement by doing that. In this assignment i would have changed the way my nose didnt fit in. it really stood out to much and didnt flow with the assignment. i really like sam dalys its suttee and shows the corrector as he should be represented he has great contrast and his eyes really bring his project together.

  40. 1 . I feel thata the structure of my picture would be my strength in the project , i also like the blend that i have with the magazine and the actually painting.
    2. I did the shading of the black and white creasing of her skin tone with paint and then i used her hair .

    3. I like the one done by Megan i like how you have to look deeper into the project to actually see what it is

  41. 1. Tell me what stands out in your artwork that makes you enjoy looking at it-you must choose one thing and tell me why you believe that section is successful.

    2. I chose to have you create this artwork because it gets you to think about shading in a new element. It is an abstract way of thinking that will help you to truly see value in the form of ink with works-AKA Typography. With that said tell me what part of this assignment was a struggle for you and if you could have changed one thing in this assignment what would it have been.

    3. Next I would like you too look on the board of similar projects from the other Art 2 classes and describe one of the artworks that you really like and I would like for you to use at least 5 art terms to describe their artwork in full detail. Please write in complete sentences.

    1. I believe that the big bold text across her eyes stand out the most along with the shading in her hair with black and whit paint. I believe that see were the most successful parts of my piece because they stand out the most to me.

    2. When I first started this piece I didn't like how the detailing of my hair looked, so the second time I just decided to sketch it out and shade with black and white paint.

    3. Mallory's piece would have to be my favorite because it stood out the most. The way she positioned the face on her paper made me look at the piece more to figure out who it was, it was definitely more abstract. The way she made her facial hair showed texture and detail.

  42. 1) Tell me what stands out in your artwork that makes you enjoy looking at it-you must choose one thing and tell me why you believe that section is successful.

    - What stands out most in my artwork is the actual drawing beforehand making it into a collage. At first I thought about graphing my paper in order to draw Leonardo square by square. I then decided to sketch the image just by looking at the picture itself and it turned out better than I expected. In the end I believe this made my piece more successful because the final product showed important features in his facial structure.

    2) I chose to have you create this artwork because it gets you to think about shading in a new element.  It is an abstract way of thinking that will help you to truly see value in the form of ink with works-AKA Typography.  With that said tell me what part of this assignment was a struggle for you and if you could have changed one thing in this assignment what would it have been.

    -If I were to change one thing in this assignment due to being a struggle it would have been contrasting more between light and dark sections of my collage. I feel that I used just one main shade on the dark parts of the typography portrait and also using different shades would have helped show highlights in his hair.

    3.  Next I would like you too look on the board of similar projects from the other Art 2 classes and describe one of the artworks that you really like and I would like for you to use at least 5 art terms to describe their artwork in full detail.  Please write in complete sentences.

    - I really enjoyed looking at Codie’s project because just by looking at it first glance you could see the effort put into her piece. I think that she did very well balancing different elements together combining both the collage and shading. Also the contrasting of light and dark brought out and highlighted important features of his face and hair.

    -Brittany McCann

  43. I loved doing the cutting out words and pasting it on my drawing (which was Mike Tyson. The major thing that stands out to me is Mike Tysons tattoo on his face, without it you would never know it's him this makes it successful because that's what people look at and say "OH that's Mike Tyson!". The major struggle for me what cutting all the pieces of paper and finding the ones I wanted, sometimes when I found a picture I was going to cut I would over cut making me find a new one. The rhythm that I worked at placed a nice part in the project because it was like sculpting but on paper, all freelance, I had no clue how it would look once I clued and pasted it down, the lines were all in a pattern all over making a huge variety from other peoples project.

  44. 1. The uniqueness within the whole project. It was very creative. The mouth and nose really pops out on it.

    2. A struggle for me in this assignment was getting all the right colors for the face, and finding the right ones. I wouldn't change anything because I enjoyed cutting out the pieces.

    3. I really liked Nicoles. The background is what really caught my eye. She did quotes from Audrey Hepburn. Nicole did really good at balancing each element of the person. The shading is really good too. The slight pattern was stuck throughout the whole portrait. I like the colors, they really popped out.

  45. 1. The one thing that stands out in my artwork that makes me enjoy looking at it is the person I used for it. I used Taylor Swift and I think my drawing of her was good. For free handing it, it actually looks like her.

    2. The part of the assignment that was a struggle for me was choosing the right colors to use for shading and the skin. If I could've changed one thing in this assignment, I would've only choose to do shading, not typography because it took longer than I expected.

    3. I like Brittney's typography art because her Micky Mouse looked good, and you could tell that she took her time on it. She used nice colors and the shading was great.

  46. 1. I liked my artwork because it was different from lauren's. she was doing the same person as me, but yet they both were so different. i liked it because with the magazine i made certain parts stand out than others.
    2. my struggles were to make it look like a real picture. I also was having trouble with the background.
    3. My favorite one out of the whole class was the lebron james one. i like it because the colors were all different but you could still see the picture. also you could so the lines that separate different sections of the picture. all the space was taken up with different colors and shapes, but overall the whole picture had a well balanced design.

  47. 1.
    In my art work I like how the eyes are different from the rest of the piece. Its all black, grey, and white and Niall has blue eyes. In this I think he was overall successful I think I tried my hardest and took time on it and it payed off. It was a nice piece overall and I liked the project.


    For me, I struggled with matching the greys and blacks with the picture and putting everything in the right places. The glue I used wasn't great and I'm not that good to begin with so putting together was definitely a struggle. Also deciding how I wanted to do it. Especially because I used words that either describe or are associated with Niall, so finding the right words and places to put them was harder than I expected.


    I really like the Niall Horan that Codie did. It was definitely one of the best. I liked the colors of the background they really popped out compared to Niall. The textures were different too, which was really nice. The way she used paint for the background and newspaper to make Niall. I also like the angle she made him, like he's looking off to the side and i think it makes it more abstract. It was a beautiful art piece definitely. The colors of the background were my favorite because they make an Irish flag and Green and Orange made it great because right in the middle was Niall who is mostly white. So it was Green, White, Orange which makes the Irish flag. The shading on Niall was great too, I liked his hair and the way she did his eyes. The contrasting of light and dark she did was great I thought it was well put together.

  48. 1.Tell me what stands out in your artwork that makes you enjoy looking at it-you must choose one thing and tell me why you believe that section is successful. The shading of the artwork was successful to me, I think that stands out way more then anything in the art piece itself.

    2. I chose to have you create this artwork because it gets you to think about shading in a new element. It is an abstract way of thinking that will help you to truly see value in the form of ink with works-AKA Typography. With that said tell me what part of this assignment was a struggle for you and if you could have changed one thing in this assignment what would it have been. One thing I personally struggled with was figuring out where i needed to shade at. looking at the artwork, If I could had changed one thing in my artwork it would of been where exactly I needed to shade at.

    3. Next I would like you too look on the board of similar projects from the other Art 2 classes and describe one of the artworks that you really like and I would like for you to use at least 5 art terms to describe their artwork in full detail. Please write in complete sentences.

    1. 3.I liked the Marilyn Monroe drawing that was done in our art two class. The colors she used were very vibrant and something I would honestly frame, Her from was perfect and she used that to her advantage in her art work. She Showed shadowing perfectly when she made her art. also, space was something she used as well. I like A lot of things about her art, and it was done perfectly to me.

  49. 1. I think the hair stands out because of the detail I tried to put in it. I also think that is what was successful, the details.
    2. I struggled with covering up all of it, I didn't like that it was all words, and I think I would change that instead you could just make the lines words instead of all the shading.
    3. I really like the shading on the masked face, it gives it an aura of mysteriousness that interests me. The balance of black and white is really cool, and the background lines seem to bring out the face. I admire the shape of the lips, mostly because I'm no good at that.

  50. 1, i know you didnt, but my hair really poped out the person i did has very colorful hair and it is the first think you notice when you see her in real life or on tv and i think its the first think you look at when you see my painting.

    i struggled to find coors to blend in to match my painting correctly although it ended up okay it was perfect.

    3. I like the shadding in one and it really shows of how much time and care was out in

  51. 1.My favorite part of this project was the detail in his face. It made the picture a little bit more realistic.
    2.The thing i struggled with the most was his mouth so i ended up just printing a picture off.
    3. you could see that there was a lot of time and effort put into all of them

  52. 1. The cats face is the main thing that stands out and it makes me the most happy out of all the assignment.

    2. Mainly finding the right part of text and the colors to use in the assignment.

    3.I like the lebron james one. The collage of all the texts and composition of it looks great with the image. The shade of the text with his beard looks awesome. It is a good size image.

  53. 1.  Tell me what stands out in your artwork that makes you enjoy looking at it-you must choose one thing and tell me why you believe that section is successful. The Ind. on his t-short because the red just pops out at you.
    2.  I chose to have you create this artwork because it gets you to think about shading in a new element.  It is an abstract way of thinking that will help you to truly see value in the form of ink with works-AKA Typography.  With that said tell me what part of this assignment was a struggle for you and if you could have changed one thing in this assignment what would it have been. I struggled with the shading. And I would change the amount of effort I put into this assignment.
    3.  Next I would like you too look on the board of similar projects from the other Art 2 classes and describe one of the artworks that you really like and I would like for you to use at least 5 art terms to describe their artwork in full detail.  Please write in complete sentences. I liked the one that was shaded in sharpie and has big and small words in the background. They did a good job on shading the face. They also did a nice job on filling in the background with big and small words, and with thin and thick words also.

  54. 1. The thing that thing that stands out the most is his head I think it was the most successful because I shaped his face nicely & took my time & used a lot of detail.

    2. I struggled with the eye and the hair.I would change the effort & the amount of time I put into it.

    3.I liked the Marilyn Monroe one I like how they did the lips and made it really stand out.They did a really good job on the face & hair,also they did a very nice job on matching up the color of the text & the size of the text.

  55. 1. What I think stands out most in my artwork is the bent shape of the knee. I think it looks pretty cool and like an actual bent knee.
    2. The actual drawing part of this assignment was a struggle for me because I have never been in a high school art class before. I do not have much experience with drawing.
    3. I really like Brittany Wind's artwork on Channing Tatum. I think she did the shading by his chin very well. I also really like the way she did the background with 3 colors and kind of abstract. She also did the detail of his arm and facial features very good as well.

  56. 1. What I think stands out most in my artwork is the bent shape of the knee. I think it looks pretty cool and like an actual bent knee.
    2. The actual drawing part of this assignment was a struggle for me because I have never been in a high school art class before. I do not have much experience with drawing.
    3. I really like Brittany Wind's artwork on Channing Tatum. I think she did the shading by his chin very well. I also really like the way she did the background with 3 colors and kind of abstract. She also did the detail of his arm and facial features very good as well.

    I used the wrong username for this assignment. My comment is above ^
