Sunday, September 23, 2012

Mono Assessment & Lesson 3

Answer the following questions about your Monochromatic Painting:

1.  What do you feel are your strengths in painting?

2.  What do you think you need to work on when it comes to painting?

3.  Now take a look at your finished piece and describe what elements of the piece you believe were successful.  Describe your piece using at least 5 art terms in full sentences.


You will be drawing out a Fall Still Life using and coloring it with Acrylic Paints using Warm Colors.
The Warm Colors are Red, Orange and Yellow.  And you are allowed to mix in black and white like the last lesson.


  1. i believe my strengths in painting are is my energetic fast sloppy art style it gives a motion to the painting instead of a stagnant picture

    i need to work on my perspective were and how the lines are

    i like the texture i gave the grass colors and values i gave it i believe it gave it a lot of depth there really was no negative space and the shape really drew the eye from one side to the other

  2. 1. What do you feel are your strengths in painting?
    I feel that the strengths in my painting is that I blended the colors pretty well and followed the shading.

    2. What do you think you need to work on when it comes to painting?
    When it comes to painting, I think that I need to work on not rushing through things.

    3. Now take a look at your finished piece and describe what elements of the piece you believe were successful. Describe your piece using at least 5 art terms in full sentences.
    I think that I succeeded in blending my colors. I think that my piece is shaded nicely, blended well, I used bright colors, and I followed what the picture looks like.

    1. Be more specific on your description in number 3. Explain the shading and blending and the bright colors. Listing art terms is not describing how you used them. See me if you have questions on this.
      Mrs. S

  3. My Strengths are mixing the colors and making it look like the picture
    I think I need to work on looking at a picture and deciding on how big things are and putting them where they go
    I think the colors mix very well together and I like the balance of blues

    1. In question 3 you need to be more descriptive. Explain to me using 5 art terms what your artwork looks like. Not just telling me what you like in your piece. Just describe. It should be multiple sentences here. Let me know if you have questions on this.
      Mrs. S

  4. 1. My strengths in this painting would be how the colors mix together very well it has a different approach each time you look at it the fast splotchy paint brings it out also.
    2. What i need to work on is how to take my time to blend the colors.
    3.There are no lines which i love, it has this splotchy color that brings your eye to every where in the piece it has different contrast no where is the same, no points just a lot of value i also really like the texture to the tree an clouds.

    1. In number 3 you need to be writing in more complete sentences. Use periods between comments. Some things you are saying are hard to understand but if you write out your sentences in complete sentences it may be easier for me to understand. If you have any questions just let me know.
      Mrs. S

  5. I feel like my strengths were my ability to blend the colors in the clouds. It creates a wispy, light feeling which is exactly what I was trying for.

    I think that I need to work on my ability to make more precise brush strokes. My pieces look like I just slapped a bunch of paint on and around the area I was trying to paint.

    The depth of the colors in the ocean is fantastic. The way the clouds form is also a good example of me using the ability to blend colors very well.

    1. You are on the right track. In number 3 I like where you are going but keep going. You should have 5 art terms in there describing your artwork. Almost there.
      Mrs. S

  6. 1. I feel my strengths in my painting in all the mixture of colors in the sky, I feel that i got it just right and it looks very good!

    2. I feel I could have done a lot better on the sun, I should have made the white circle for it before i painted anything so it is pure white.

    3. I feel the colors are mixed very well. The texture of the water differs from the sky to distinguish it from one another. I put no visible lines on the paper. The sky is a very warm color to where it looks inviting. I think I did very well on my monochromatic painting.

    1. GREAT post AJ. This is a perfect assessment of your own art. Nicely done. Great job on being the artist of the week and on your artwork in general. I can't wait to see you paint more.
      Mrs. S

  7. 1. My strengths are. Staying in the lines at all times.

    2. Making it look good. Because I'm not so good at mixing.

    3. I like how my project turned out. The paint on it looks good and it was my favorite project.

    1. 4. I like the lines and patterns on my project. Also I like the paint on it. Then I like the shapes on it and the Value. I like the tree and the cloud.

  8. 1. My Strengths are mixed colors Brown,White,and Black my picture looks like nothing to me it sucks.

    2. I think I need work on is looking at my picture and think what comes next after that and work harder on it and do good next time.

    3. Here are the 5 art terms that I think of my picture. the Colors, are awesome the Lines, are maybe a little mess up the Art, isn't well as it looks now the Balance, I tried hard on that and the Space is not as good as it looks.

  9. 1. My strengths in painting is blending colors.
    2. I need to work on keeping my my lines straight.
    3. My piece had very good shading, my colors were very nice, my piece was very balance, I have some very warm colors, and it has a very good contrast.

    1. Macie, You need to describe how your artwork shows contrast and all other terms used. You are not being descriptive. I would redo and let me know when you do.
      Mrs. S

  10. 1. One of my ablities during this piece was the blending of the colors

    2. One of my weakness during this piece was attention to detail i didnt take my time at all

    3. the color is chose to use was blue, and i created different hues of this tone by soft strokes with my utensil. The blending and shading was key to this assignment.

    1. Good assessment and I'm glad you noticed that you rushed. Please take your time. You are so capable of greatness. Even your rushed project turned out decent. Thanks for your honesty.
      Mrs. S

  11. 1.I think some of my strengths in painting are blending colors & the different values.
    2.When it comes to painting I think I need to work on having a more steady line when it comes to outlining. I also need to work on looking at the lighting in the picture I’m painting.
    3.I believe the contrast in the colors of the sky were very successful. I loved the warm colors I used. They really made the sun pop. I believe that the texture in my trees worked very well. In one tree I used a pattern on overlapped straight lines. In the other tree I dabbed my tree with shades of black and red.

  12. I think that the best thing is the sky it was good mixing and good contrast

    I think that the thing i need to work on is not to be in a rush

    I think the best was the sky it was cool the way I mixed the color and the way i t was white and green

    1. Again this assessment is not long enough and needs to be more descriptive. You may redo and return into me. Just let me know if you do.
      Mrs. S

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. 1. I feel I blended my colors well.
    2. I need to work on making the painting look more like the picture its suppose to be.
    3. I I blended the colors well, created many lines, and it started to form a sky. The water has a good texture and looks good. There is a good balance of white, dark blue, and blue.

    1. Don't just write sentences to fill space and terms. It doesn't make much sense. Reread and redo.
      Mrs. S

  15. 1. I Think i shaded well
    2. I need to work on blending colors
    3. I think i used the colors and space well.It needed to have more emphasis on the blending. The horizon in my portrait looks pretty good as well

    1. Not bad, please be a bit more specific.
      Mrs. S

  16. 1. My strengths in painting are being able to see the hard lights versus the soft lights. I can tell where the lines start and stop easily.
    2. One thing that I think I need to work on would be my blending skills, I am still trying to get the hang of blending the colors to make the shades flow together. Also I think I need to work on not trying to be a perfectionist. I try to make everything look perfect and even when I should try and make even look more natural and nature is not perfect. I feel like I think to hard in my painting and it makes it harder for me to grasp the concept of shading. Once I let go and let my hand lead me, my work would look a lot better.
    3. I think the successful things in my artwork are the colors in the artwork,they are a beautiful balance to the artwork. The lines from the grass really ties the rest of the picture together. I also like the texture of the grass and trees. The shading of the grass blades in the artwork are beautiful and makes you really look at the painting. The over lapping of the grass blades give a chaotic sense to the painting and brings out the uniqueness to grass, it wasn't just a dull piece of grass it was art.

    1. Great Assessment again Brittany. I love how descriptive you are. It helps me see how you view what you are doing. The nice thing about you is that you are willing to go over and make changes. You did a wonderful job redoing the grass. I like the look of your piece. Well done.
      Mrs. S

  17. 1. I feel that I can blend colors in the tray and have them get to the color I want.
    2. I need to work on blending my colors on the paper and transitioning from one to another.
    3. My art work has a nice balance of colors. The background is mainly white and light blue. It has a bright mix of colors on the horizon. There is very few objects in it.

  18. 1. What do you feel are your strengths in painting?
    The sun and and the shading of the skyline
    2. What do you think you need to work on when it comes to painting?
    blending the colors and making them flow better
    3. Now take a look at your finished piece and describe what elements of the piece you believe were successful. Describe your piece using at least 5 art terms in full sentences. I believe the balance was good, and i had many different types if shades in it. my landscape had contrast between the dark and light colors.

    1. 1. I feel that the strengths of my painting is the sun and the shading of the skyline.
      2. I need to work on taking my time and making them blend better. I go straight to light to dark colors instead of having a color in the middle that makes it connect better.
      3. I believe it has a nice balance, but it was rushed threw and sloppy. My landscape had a bad blend. My landscape had contrast between light and dark colors. The visual of the water is hard to tell.

  19. 1. What do you feel are your strengths in painting?
    I feel like combining the colors and making them lighter and darker was very difficult. I felt like I made it sloppy because I had to make sure the color stayed wet.
    2. What do you think you need to work on when it comes to painting?
    3. Now take a look at your finished piece and describe what elements of the piece you believe were successful. Describe your piece using at least 5 art terms in full sentences.
    The colors ended up turning out very good. The reflection looked good because the balance was even. It wasn't very clear what my picture was though so the perspective was off. The texture looked like water because of the way I painted

    1. #2 write in complete sentences. You are on the right track, but need to give me more of a description in #3.
      Mrs. S

  20. 1. What do you feel are your strengths in painting? I think that I'm good at blending the colors together.

    2. What do you think you need to work on when it comes to painting? i think i need to blend the colors a little bit better.

    3. Now take a look at your finished piece and describe what elements of the piece you believe were successful. Describe your piece using at least 5 art terms in full sentences. i think the circles and the colors i used was a good mixture

  21. 1. What do you feel are your strengths in painting?
    THe strengths in my painting are how i shaded the color of the sky with the water below it and mixed it all together.

    2. What do you think you need to work on when it comes to painting?
    I think i need to work on mixing colors better, i could have done a better job on how the colors were formed i think.

    3. Now take a look at your finished piece and describe what elements of the piece you believe were successful. Describe your piece using at least 5 art terms in full sentences.
    I believe my piece of art was pretty well balanced with the colors. I think that it has a warm feel to it because of the lighter colors i mainly used. It also seems like the water is moving, and not still. Finally, i think my art project for this was a good symbol of the lake during the daytime.

  22. 1. I don't have many strengths in my painting but I was determined to make it look decent and I think I did that. I did a good job with blending the red, white, and black into pinks and purples though. So I would say blending was my strength.

    2. What do you think you need to work on when it comes to painting?
    A lot, I cannot use the brush right. Weird I know! I don't know what it is but when I draw it looks good and when it comes to painting I guess I just don't know what to do. Also making something overall is hard for me. When I was halfway done with my painting it looked great and then when I finished it was not so good. Also I am sooooo slow when it comes to painting and art. I don't know what it is but I seem to always be behind!

    3. Now take a look at your finished piece and describe what elements of the piece you believe were successful. Describe your piece using at least 5 art terms in full sentences.

    I liked my colors I used red, white, and black three basic colors to make different shades of pinks, reds, grays, and purples. My picture didn't really have a horizon line but I think that is what made it more simple and pretty. My art piece was taken by my own perspective. I took the picture that I based it off of in Tennessee while visiting. It was a very beautiful picture and I tried to take that beauty and put it in the painting. When I was shading and mixing colors I usually just made strokes or lines of colors and blended them together as I painted. The pinks I used were warm and dark. I like he warmer colors I had like my light pinks and grays. Overall I tried my hardest, I'm just not good at painting.

    -Kayle Reed :)

  23. I haven't painted much at all but I'm learning. I like water colors because I like to use water to spread my paint further. I need to just work on practice, the more I do it the better I'll become. I like the way I rough drew my piece before I started painting.

  24. My strengths in painting are visioning what I'm going to paint before I paint it. Im very good as visualizing things before they are put down on paper.
    When it comes to painting I think I need to work on patients. I work really fast when doing things so I think i need to learn to take my time and do a thorough job instead of rushing through things. I also think I need to work on getting more paint on my brush, you can tell I didn't use a lot of paint by the way my painting looks.

    Looking back at my painting, I love the way I used the colors and blended them. I used blue, white and black to make all those shades of blue. All the colors balanced together perfectly to make my end product. I like the way my cattails looks with the variety of blues that were used and the way the shading worked with the lighter in the background.

  25. 1. What do you feel are your strengths in painting?
    I feel that my strengths are shading. I can tell where some colors need to be darker and some need to be lighter. Thats pretty easy.
    2. What do you think you need to work on when it comes to painting?
    I have trouble trying to blend my colors. With my art work i just couldn't get the hang of it. But now we're working on the still life and its looking pretty good.
    3. Now take a look at your finished piece and describe what elements of the piece you believe were successful. Describe your piece using at least 5 art terms in full sentences. The shading in the art work looks pretty good. The grass in the background has pretty good texture to it. The blending turned out okay. I feel like it could have been better though. The contrast of the piece overall is okay. But the art work has great intensity. It may not be the best but i put some effort into it.

  26. I think Im pretty good at it because I was not told to change my style of art that much.

    I think I need to work on the painting mixing because every thing I did was the same color it would change if I got lucky.

    Its orange and then in the background its blue so its makes the orange stick out it was very cool how I did that. The blending could have been better but other than at I like it its cool how I made the pumpkin stick out.

  27. my strengths in painting are shading
    when it comes to painting i need to work on mixing and keeping straight lines
    i like the shading which makes it pop
    i like the color cause its vibrant
    i like the texture cause its bumpy
    i like the shapes because they are weird
    i like the weirdness cause its like no one elses

    1. Courtney please write in complete sentences. You also need to be more descriptive in your term usage. What makes the shading pop? How is the texture bumpy? Explain it to me.
      Mrs. S

  28. 1. What do you feel are your strengths in painting? My strengths when it comes to painting is blending.

    2. What do you think you need to work on when it comes to painting? i think i need to do something to make my colors pop out of the page a little more!

    3. Now take a look at your finished piece and describe what elements of the piece you believe were successful. Describe your piece using at least 5 art terms in full sentences. I think that my art work was a little sloppy because I rushed through. The contrast of the piece was okay. I love the shading of blue I used throughout the painting. I could of made my painting a little better by trying to look like the trees were popping out, with texture. In my trees I dabbed my tree with shades of blue, white, and black.

  29. What do you feel are your strengths in painting?
    ~ Some of my strengths in this painting I think was that i did really well in blending the clouds. It was one of the main parts I really liked in my painting.

    2.  What do you think you need to work on when it comes to painting?
    ~When it come to painting, I think i need to work on the tiny details. Like portraying the tree trunks in this picture and the fog.

    3. Now take a look at your finished piece and describe what elements of the piece you believe were successful.  Describe your piece using at least 5 art terms in full sentences.
    ~I think that I succeeded in blending my colors. I think that my painting is shaded, blended well, I think i used the cool colors very nicely.

  30. 1.  What do you feel are your strengths in painting? I feel my strengths in painting are that I take my time and pay attachen to all the detail in things.
    What do you think you need to work on when it comes to painting?I think I need to work on my sloppiness when it comes to painting.
    Now take a look at your finished piece and describe what elements of the piece you believe were successful.  Describe your piece using at least 5 art terms in full sentences. I think I did a good job blending the colors in my painting. The colors blends pretty good with each other. Its texture is not bad. The colors are nice and vibrant.

    1. I don't know who this is. You need to let me know your name is Hawkeye13
      Mrs. S

  31. 1} My strengths in my painting would be the shading an the colors of the whole picture an the mixture of things.
    2} What i need to work on would be to slow down sometimes i guess because after i do something ill go an fix something else i thought i messed up.
    3} The colors are all warm an bright it has a nice visual good contrast an it balances out all very well when you look at it far away or up close i also really like the texture.

  32. 1.) my strength in painting is i think blending because i can get more colors in it.

    2. i think i need to work on putting the colors together so they look smooth and make the picture actually pop off the picture.

    3. i think that the water was successful. The colors i think really blend in. there wasn't really any lines that you could see. i like the texture of it. the color of the moon was bright. it have nice contrast.

  33. 1. My strengths would be the contrast between the dark trees and the lighter sky. Also, the different textures of the objects. The different textures and shades make the perspective better and it adds depth to the picture as a whole.

    2. I need to work on not getting paint everywhere because I dropped blotches of paint onto the painting several times and had to re-paint over it. I also need to work on blending more so that it looks smooth and natural.

    3. Some successful points about it would be the blending, texture, contrast of colors, and details. I tried to make the different shades of the sky transition into each other naturally and it turned out alright I guess. I also tried to make sure that the water looked smooth and the trees and mountain looked more rugged which would indicate land. The reflection was pretty accurate too I suppose. I'm not sure if I used 5 art terms but I hope I did...Oh! I like the ripples in the water also. It connects the shadow with the water. Thanks so much for helping me with that! Also, Megan, thank you for helping me with some things and putting up with Killian and I. (:

    1. I like your response. Very good. I like how you talk about your piece. And thank everyone:) Nice Job Allison!
      Mrs. Schneid

  34. i liked my color choice and the way it made the painting pop.

    one thing i struggle with is putting the correct amount of darkness in spots with shade

    i liked andrew volzers. the light house looks closer than the water the water has good color mix and his shading is great

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. 1. What do you feel are your strengths in painting? I feel okay on my painting strengths. I think I can work on them a little more.

    2. What do you think you need to work on when it comes to painting? My patiences when it comes to concentrating and take more pride in my artwork and shading.

    3. Now take a look at your finished piece and describe what elements of the piece you believe were successful. Describe your piece using at least 5 art terms in full sentences. I feel that my drawing was well captured and the colors flowed well with the drawing. I actually liked this assignment and took my time on it as well.

  37. 1. I feel that my strength in my painting was the the sun and the sky , because of the way it was blended .

    2. What do i think i can work on , The choice of blending and being more sharp with how i blend and the color stage that i blend in.

    3. The elements that i used in my project are colors and blending and thats it i don't have five . But color and blending because of the different shades of orange

  38. 1. What do you feel are your strengths in painting?

    2. What do you think you need to work on when it comes to painting?

    3. Now take a look at your finished piece and describe what elements of the piece you believe were successful. Describe your piece using at least 5 art terms in full sentences.

    1. Some of the strengths that I think I have in painting is the understanding of different colors , which ones go good together and the way it makes the picture look.

    2. I think that I need to work more on thinking abstract, more outside of the box, instead of making something that looks the same as somebody else's in the end.

    3. Not quite finished yet, but as of right now the shading in my pumpkin is my favorite! It's colorful, shows a lot of shading and the difference in lighting. Also I think that by using the warm colors it does express warm seasonal thoughts by seeing the pumpkin and apple.

  39. 1. My strengths I feel are mainly the backgrounds in my paintings.

    2. Mainly blending because my colors don't blend well.

    3. The background blending of the color really sticks out the most. The shades of blue and green go great together I think. The composition of the whole painting is nice. The warm colors are my favorite though because they just go together easily.

  40. What do you feel are your strengths in painting?

    -I feel that my strengths in painting are taking my time on each assignment instead of rushing through. Also learning how to properly blend the colors in my painting.

    What do you think you need to work on when it comes to painting?

    -I need to work on managing my time better so that I do not fall behind in the class. Other than that, I think I need improvement making and matching colors I used the day before so that it will blend well in the painting.

    Now take a look at your finished piece and describe what elements of the piece you believe were successful.  Describe your piece using at least 5 art terms in full sentences.

    - There were a few things I thought were successful when I finished my landscape tempera painting. First I took my time sketching out the picture which helped me completely fill the space of my paper. I think that I did well blending the colors in the sky above the bridge, and the texture turned out well by the lines and shading I used. Lastly I did an okay job differing the values of light and dark pink colors to paint with.

    -Brittany McCann

  41. 1. What do you feel are your strengths in painting?

    I feel that I mixed the colors successfully and I liked the texture of the plants in the front of the picture.

    2. What do you think you need to work on when it comes to painting?

    I think that the reflection in the water could have been a lot better. It is hard to tell which is reflected. I also need to paint faster so I am not behind in class!

    3. Now take a look at your finished piece and describe what elements of the piece you believe were successful. Describe your piece using at least 5 art terms in full sentences.

    I thought that the plants in the front of the picture were pretty successful. I also thought that I distinguished between the different textures fairly well. I also tried to use different brush strokes for different parts. For example, I tried to use circular strokes for the sky and small horizontal strokes for the trees.

  42. 1.Probably the smaller objects that I took more time on, because they did turn out the neatest. More of the background stood out Because of the color contrast.

    2. I need to work on blending colors better. Also, I need to work on actually sketching the painting, because my pictures always end up sloppy, which comes to taking more time on my art.

    3. I tried to show texture in my art, with the way I used my brush strokes. I used a blue for the background, and made multiple hues by doing that. Blending was one of the key components in this painting. I balanced the colors out very nicely I think.

  43. 1. I think my strengths are in blending. I really have fun going from a light to a dark color.
    2. I need to work on staying in the lines, I would accidentally get light paint in a dark area or vice-versa and I would have to find a way to mix it in without messing anything up.
    3. I think that the shading and texture of the mountains was successful, it made the look like the sun was actually casting a shadow on the lake. I liked the colors on the lake that made it shadowy, and the direction of the lines successfully made it look like water.

  44. 1. I believe my strengths in painting would be blending the colors together, I also believe i did good on picking certain shades to be next to each other.
    2. one thing i could work on during painting would be to take my time and get all the paint to be even and also make the lines with the paint straight. instead of rushing.
    3. i think in my piece i did good with the colors. I picture different shades to be next to each other and it was well balanced. I also think that the shapes i used were good, and the visual at the end of the whole picture was good.

  45. 1. i like painting although i never feel like i do enough in this class so i feel as if my weekness is not enjoying my own work and struggling to concentrate.

    2. shading my colors and understanding what the project and what is excpected also i need to be a little less sloppy artwork pops out it is creative and looks realistic it blends the fall colors and the warmer background while concentrating on the main subjects the i think its pretty. ill probably hang it on my wall. fantastic colors!

  46. 1. I liked how i blended different blues for the water in my painting. it made it pop out more and made it look more real.
    2. the worst part of the painting that needs work is the shading in the rocks
    3. successful points of this painting were the sky and the water.

  47. 1. Tell me in your own words what pops out in your artwork that you like. I think the background pops out in my artwork. 
    2. Talk to me about your shading and highlights.  Be specific-what was successful with shading and what needs to be improved upon. I think I did a good job on blending the squash. I think I could of done beder on the corn.
    3. Now that you have completed 2 large paintings-tell me what you think you need to work on at this point.  Please be specific and tell me why you feel that way. I think I need to work on blending warm colors.

  48. 1. I think my strengths are taking my time on the projects & learning how to blend the colors right

    2. I think i need to work more on shading & not talking in class so much also paint faster so im not behind

    3.I liked how the colors blended well it stands out,I like how the blue and the black blended very well.

  49. 1. I don't think I have any strengths yet in painting. I have never painted before this so I am still working on getting the hang of it.
    2. I definitely need to work on shading and mixing the colors evenly and doing more straight lines.
    3. I think I did an okay job at the lines of this artwork, also you can definitely tell the difference between the shades of purple.
