Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall Still life Assessment

Pumpkin Still lives-Your mixing of colors have improved tremendously.  GREAT JOB!  
Taylor Blackham
Tyler Lucas

Please answer the questions below based on your Fall Still life.

1.  Tell me in your own words what pops out in your artwork that you like. 

2.  Talk to me about your shading and highlights.  Be specific-what was successful with shading and what needs to be improved upon. 

3.  Now that you have completed 2 large paintings-tell me what you think you need to work on at this point.  Please be specific and tell me why you feel that way. 


  1. 1. I love the corn because the color and how the corn kennels are shaped and how it actually looks like a corn cob

    2. The background was my favorite because it had lots of shading and different colors and also the apple at the bottom. The pumpkin really needed work with the shading because to me it looked like a orange circle

    3. I think using to much of one color is the problem I have because the two paintings I did one had to much black and the fall painting had too much orange and not enough the other colors.

  2. 1) I like the way my skull hand turned out because it looks real.

    2) think I need to work on drawing and painting.

    3) I liked how my Still Life project turned out and It is a lot better than my Landscaping project.

  3. 1. I really like how the background makes everything in the actual painting pop out. The biggest pumpkin pops out the most to me.

    2. I believe I shaded the largest pumpkin very well, what I wish i would have done better on was the smallest pumpkin. I seemed to not really do anything good on that one.

    3. I need to work on how some of my paints don't mix well. I need to start using more paint also, sometimes i noticed that I would keep painting with nearly no paint on my brush.

  4. what really pops out in my art project is probably the corn cob the most. i need to work on my shading but when i have free time in art that is what i do. i need to also work on how i mix the colors

    1. I need complete sentences from you and give me more information.
      Mrs. S

  5. 1.I think my pumpkin really stood out i thought it was the best part of my picture

    2.I definitely thought I needed to work on the things surrounding the pumpkin

    3.I feel I need to work on getting my shaping better and possibly my color better because most of the time I mess up on the stuff I try to draw most of the time and my coloring is usually the hardest after I blend because I can't exactly get the colors I want

  6. 1. In my painting the skeleton arm stands out the most because it is pure white, and it contrasts very well against the blue of the background.
    2. My shading on the pumpkin was not that great i did not blend it very well. The shading on the gourds were the best. The skeleton wasnt very good either because by the time i got to painting it i was tired of painting.
    3. I really need to take my time when i paint because i rush and i dont feel like i am painting to the best of my abilities.

  7. 1. I think that the background is the main thing that stands out with my painting.
    2. I didn't have a lot of shading with this one but that is the main thing that I need work on.
    3.I need to work on shading and blending with colors.

  8. 1. I believe that the gourd on the right stands out because it has the best blending and use of different colors and shades.

    2. I believe my shading was done pretty well, but the highlights were a bit off and sometimes hard to see

    3. I feel like I need to work on my ability to keep some colors in my blending. I use a lot of solid colors that are not blended as well as they could be.

  9. 1. Tell me in your own words what pops out in your artwork that you like.
    I think my apple pops out a lot because it has good shading and it actually looks like an apple.
    2. Talk to me about your shading and highlights. Be specific-what was successful with shading and what needs to be improved upon.
    All my shading needs approving, the only thing I shaded good was my apple. My pumpkins shading wasn't good at all. I need to fix mixing my colors
    3. Now that you have completed 2 large paintings-tell me what you think you need to work on at this point. Please be specific and tell me why you feel that way.
    I honestly think I need to work on my shading and where it needs to be shading and all the highlights.

  10. In my art work I like the black red and yellow lines at the bottom of my pumpkin because it makes it look nicer and more round. Also I like how my background goes from blue to like purple than to green in a smooth way.

    The shading was smooth through out most of my art work but the apple was not blended like it should of been. I really like the highlights at the bottom of the pumpkin, it adds a better and more unique look to it. I need to improve on making smoother strokes and paying more attention to detail
    I need to work on taking my time more and paying more attention to detail. Also I need to not leave white spots on my paper because it makes it look bad and sloppy.

  11. 1. I feel that my background stands out because it is many colors and I really like the different colors.

    2. I feel the shading in my pumpkin looks pretty good. The dark read and black lines on the bottom really look good and then the brighter orange on the top. I feel that my skeleton hand does not have much shading. The background also has no shading but I did not want it to have any.

    3. I think I just need to focus more on making the pictures look a little more realistic. I also feel that this painting looks a lot better than my landscape picture because I took much more time to do it.

  12. 1 I like how the background makes the items in painting pop out. The bigger pumpkin pops out the most in my opinion
    2 The shading at the bottom of my big pumpkin was good, but my shading towards the top of the items need work
    3 I need to work on my blending with colors

    1. 3. I need to work on my blending with colors because i feel my picture is divide and doesnt seem realistic

  13. I think what stands out most in my project was the pumkin or my backround. I think my pumkin stands out because its biger then anything else and has a dramatic affect on the painting itself. My backround stands out because its really dramatic and its busy, has alot going on.
    My shading in my opinion was ok, i would have like it to blend a little better than it did. I knew my pumkin looked the best out of the other object we had, the pumkin had better shadin than like the green sqaush because its not shaded well at all.
    Ive onlt worked on one painting but also at my other school i did one and i think i dont draw realistically its more cartoon and unreal. I would like to draw the details that really make the realness pop. Also i think i need to work on shading alittle bit more so i can really let it blend together like its it sopposed to and make it look really nice. I also need to work just leaving the painting alone because i have this thing where it looks good but this part could be fixed then it all goes down from there, i screw it up then it doesnt look good then i look back and say i should have just left it.

  14. 1. I think the thing that pops out the most in my artwork that I like is my pumpkin because it is very detailed, the shading is good, and it actually looks like a pumpkin.

    2. I think I shaded the pumpkins pretty well because they were darker at the bottom and lighter at the top. I used highlights of red, white, orange, yellow and black. I think I need to improve more on shading though because it can never be good enough.

    3. I think I need to work on shading, and making the objects look more realistic. This would make my paintings better overall.

  15. 1.) in my project i think that the pumpkin is the one that pops out because its the biggest thing on the project and it have different shading in it.
    2.) the shading in my art project is its kinda bad but i like it because you can take more then one color and blend then to make it look good.
    3.) i just need to actually take my time to do the project i think i rush threw them to get to the next project and i thing that i just need to enjoy the project that i am doing at that time

  16. 1) In my painting I think that the large pumpkin pops because it is the biggest item drawn on there and it has many different colors mixed throughout it. It isn't just a plain orange.

    2)I honestly shade really awesomely with a pencil,but when I'm given a paint brush I guess I just don't know what to do. I have been trying with every project I do, but I'm not successful. I honestly don't know what it is. If it's the fact that it's paint and I can't erase it or that I'm using a brush not a pencil. Or even that I'm using different colors. Blending is also hard. I never really got into blending and now that I have to do it, it's difficult and I know it will be until I have more experience, but it still frustrates me.

    3) I need to work on timing. I know I work slowly, and that's because I do a better job at home than in the class room. I have no idea why but I do and since I can't paint it at home I take much longer than needed. I don't know if it's because of the distractions or if I am really self-conscious about my work but I don't do well in class. I don't like when other people look at my art work and when they do I usually make a joke about it so they don't think I love it and it's bad. I hate the feeling I get when I finish something and someone criticizes it so I don't like when people look at my art work while I'm working on it. But I don't mind as long as no one talks to me about it.

  17. 1.The things that pop out in my artwork would be my corn, I like the colors and the shape of it. The colors are very beautiful and it really ties in the whole painting because it shows all of the warm colors in one section. The shape is very interesting because when you first glance at the corn it looks in rows and it actually looks like corn. Once you take the time and look closer at the painting you can see the chaos of the colors that some how make the corn look normal.
    2.My shading and highlights are improving, they still need some adjustments but I am getting there. I really like how I did the corn, it is so colorful and I never thought I could make it look like an actual ear of corn. Another successful element to my painting would be the pumpkin. At first I struggled on over blending the colors but then I started to get the hang of it. The highlights in my painting are pretty good, some of the still life objects were harder to highlight then the others. The mini pumpkin that I painted was hard to do because it was small and you had less room to paint on. The big pumpkin and the squash were easier to paint. The things that i need to improve on would be trying not to blend to much, once I start over blending it makes the still life look flat and not real.
    3.The two paintings that I have done were lacking the shading skills that we were told to do. I am so use to painting with no shading or highlighting that it will take some time for me to fully grasp the concept of it. When we were in previous art classes they just said to paint a picture, they really did not stress the shading part. But now it is getting more in detailed paintings which I love. I am going to try and make my next picture a better reflection of my work.

  18. 1. Tell me in your own words what pops out in your artwork that you like.
    I like how i shaded the pumpkin. I feel like i did really well doing that. And because of the dark background it makes the pumpkin really stand out.
    2. Talk to me about your shading and highlights. Be specific-what was successful with shading and what needs to be improved upon.
    The shading on the pumpkin turned out really good. Compared to my last piece it looks way better. I took my time blending my colors to get them just right.
    3. Now that you have completed 2 large paintings-tell me what you think you need to work on at this point. Please be specific and tell me why you feel that way.
    Now that i have the hang of blending and shading i need to go back to the basic art steps. I need to take my time while i paint. I need to concentrate more on my work instead of rushing through it.

  19. In my art work, my pumpkin pops out. All of the warm colors I used to put and paint into the pumpkin. The other thing that pops out in my painting is the corn. The way I painted with dotting the colors in purple and yellow contrast to look like live corn.

    On my pumpkin, I used shading to portray the light hitting the top where it is lighter, and where there is shadows I used darker colors mixed with black. I hated shading with yellow for the gourd. It was hard and i need to learn to shade with lighter colors.

    What I need to work on is not blending everything together and leaving some colors the way they are, so the colors pop. I also need to learn to be positive with painting and not look at all the negatives on my painting.

  20. 1. I think that my pumpkin pops out. I really liked how I got the shading and realistic effect on it. I like how it gets really really light on the top but then it blends to a dark brown/orange on the bottom.

    2. My highlights on my big pumpkin turned out really good. I like how I got the black and white strips to make it look even more real. The black, red, yellow and orange highlights on the bottom turned out great. I need to work on were and how to make area lighter and darker.

    3. I can work on a few things like making things pop and adding other colors to catch the eye. I feel this way because after you showed me your painting with the orange stripe and how it makes it pop and how you told me to put green in my stem and it turned out good.

  21. 1. I think what really pops out in this piece of artwork is the background, and the smaller pumpkins in the far corner. the colors blended the most and is more like the focal point of the art work.

    2. I made sure the where the lights had hit the still life, I made sure to add that effect to my painting, and when the shadow's of the still I also added that effect to my painting. I need to improve on my shading when it comes to the shading of dark colors.

    3. I feel like I need to take more time on drawing, and paying attention to detail. Shading is another issue I have because my paintings suck recently.

  22. i feel the small pumpkin popped out the most i feel it was the best and most detailed shading against the cold background the orange and red really made it stand out.

    i feel the skull really lacked but i cant go back into it since its already dry the gourd and small pumpkin really shined with good highlights were needed and dark shadows were needed.

    i really need to work on shading and blending im good at mixing the colors and seeing were they need to go but applying them is still touchy for me.

  23. My project in my opinion I think the sky pops with the shades of the pumpkin and apple, that's what I like most since I love dark skies. My shading technique is a little different since I normally edit my photography by taking the picture then using Photoshop to apply my tweaking colors or improving things. Instead of painting and doing my shading all at once I like to paint the whole thing in a dull one color so it at first looks like a kindergarteners project then after the first layer dries I go and do my shading. The reason I even do this is so I can get a better outline and vision of what I want, even though sometimes or most of the time what's in my head doesn't exactly come out in the final product I still had that image of what I was aiming to do. With time I may change my method but right now it works fine and I like the way I do it. In my painting I had trouble with the corn because it was just hard to get how I had it pictured. If I had to choose something over everything that I need to work on is probably spreading my paint more evenly so I don't have leftover brush marks all over everywhere and unnecessary brush lines or strokes.

  24. 1. Tell me in your own words what pops out in your artwork that you like.
    I love the blue background, that really brings out the corn, pumpkin, ect.

    2. Talk to me about your shading and highlights. Be specific-what was successful with shading and what needs to be improved upon.
    On my big pumpkin I think I could do better mixing the colors together. The black lines in it need to be mixed more.

    3. Now that you have completed 2 large paintings-tell me what you think you need to work on at this point. Please be specific and tell me why you feel that way.
    I have the hang of shading, i just need to start taking my time and concentrate on what i'm drawing. I also need to focus on making my pictures look realistic.

  25. Out of the whole picture i liked my pumpkin the best because they blending was good on it and the black lines to define the curves were blended too. the blending in my picture i would have to say was the best out of all my art works because i went from shade to shade, not a big jump from color to color. honestly, i would have to say i should take my time on more of the big projects because sometimes i feel that i rush my self because other people are faster than me.

  26. 1. i think that my colors pop out the most in my artwork.

    2. i think the background was successful in the shading. but i think i needed to work on the pumpkin shading a little bit better

    3. i think i need to work on my shading and learning how to mix the colors together more.

  27. What I think pops out in my artwork is the shading on the pumpkin because it is dark on one side of it and light on the other side. I think the shading was successful because of the dark to light on one side to the other side of the pumpkin. Painting the same direction I think I need to work on because the picture looks better if you paint in the same direction than in lots of different directions with your paint brush your picture looks more neat

  28. 1. I think the corn pops out in my painting because the colors are a bit lighter than the others and it makes it noticeable out of it all.
    2. I was happy with how the shading turned out, especially the blend of colors on the pumpkins, but I didn't do well with the gourd. I think the gourd's colors didn't blend well enough.
    3.I think I need to work on staying in the lines, I tend to have trouble keeping in one section when I paint, I end up accidentally going into another section.

  29. 1. I think what really pops out in this piece of artwork is the background, and the smaller pumpkins in the far corner. the colors blended the most and is more like the focal point of the art work.

    2. I made sure the where the lights had hit the still life, I made sure to add that effect to my painting, and when the shadow's of the still I also added that effect to my painting. I need to improve on my shading when it comes to the shading of dark colors.

    3. I feel like I need to take more time on drawing, and paying attention to detail. Shading is another issue I have because my paintings suck recently.

  30. 1. What pops out for me in my project is my pumpkin I took a lot of time on it.

    2. The Shading for me was a little bit harder with the lighter oranges and whiter colors.

    3.It is harder and I realized that I haven't been doing well and I need to take more time on drawing.


  31. 1. What draws my attention in my piece would have to be the palm trees. They have texture and they look unique. I enjoyed painting them the most.

    2. I think my piece should've had more of a color gradient, more color and made good use of the white areas left on my paper.

    3. I think my weakest point would be knowing what I could do with the colors, with the project I'm given, like the mixtures of color gradients and making my pieces look for realistic.

  32. 1. Tell me in your own words what pops out in your artwork that you like.
    I think that the corn i made is the biggest thing that pops oujt in my artwork because it is very realistic looking, and the shading is very nice.Im proud of my project, i think it turned out pretty good.

    2. Talk to me about your shading and highlights. Be specific-what was successful with shading and what needs to be improved upon.
    Well, i think that the shading in my picture is actually pretty good for the most part. It mainly flows in a pattern from darkest on the bottom, to the lighter tones in the top of each object. But the main thing that should be improved is how the tones of the shading in my pic change so drastically, it should probably flow more evenly instead of changing from light to dark tones quickly.

    3. Now that you have completed 2 large paintings-tell me what you think you need to work on at this point. Please be specific and tell me why you feel that way.

    I honestly think the biggest thing i need to work on in my paintings are the amount of time i put into them. I think that if i took a little bit longer on them, they would turn out better. I also need to probably work on mixing the paint colors too since that is a big problem with my paintings.

  33. 1. in my art work i think my background stands out i think the shading and color combination really makes a huge impact on the picture.

    2. my shading and highlights are something i find changeling even though i can mix paint very well mixing them on paper presents a challenge.

    3. I need to focus more on my paintings and shade then correctly

  34. 1. the things that pop out in my artwork that i like are the apple and the bright colors of the squash.
    2. i need to work on my shading a lot. i think i got some good high lights but my shading was weak.
    3.i need to work on my shading the most

  35. Tell me in your own words what pops out in your artwork that you like. 

    So far, the fall still life assignment is my favorite artwork that I’ve done so far. I’m really proud of how it turned out in the end. I think that the corn in my painting pops out the most because of the variety of colors and patterns I used. I also think that my pumpkins were successful because of how the shading of different colors and highlights of warm colors used.

    Talk to me about your shading and highlights.  Be specific-what was successful with shading and what needs to be improved upon. 

    At first I wasn’t sure how to start with the shading and painting of the pumpkin so I asked you to show me how to start which Im glad I did because It helped me understand the type of brushwork to do using darker colors(red) and hues at the bottom and blending up with orange yellow and white. Then I added highlights of all the colors to make it pop. I feel that I could have improved on the shading on the stems of the pumpkins because I only blended with different shades of brown. I could have improved on painting the background because It was hard for me to make the same color I made days ahead of time so I had to fine a way to blend and match the color without it looking like two different shades.

    Now that you have completed 2 large paintings-tell me what you think you need to work on at this point.  Please be specific and tell me why you feel that way. 

    I still feel like I can learn how to mange my time better because I don’t like to rush through my work. I like taking pride in the fact that I can work slowly and it turn out successful. On the downside, I fall behind on other projects which affects my grade.

  36. 1. the thing that pops out that I like would be the pumpkin & the corn I think it stands out the most because of the variety of colors I used & the pumpkin stands out also because of the way I blended the colors & the shading the dark spots.

    2. The things that was successful was The pumpkin I took my time on it & making sure i blend it correctly and shade it nicely.I think the pumpkin could of been better i think i did good on it but i could of blended it better.

    3. I think I need to work on shading & taking my time on the details also I need to take time on drawing paying attention to the details.

  37. 1. To me, the pinecone stands out the most. It gives off the texture of wood and seems to be jumping out at you.

    2. Well honestly shading isn't a stronghold of it.........I mean, I guess the pumpkin is the thing with the most shading. I tried to blend darker colors at the bottom and white at the top to give the effect of light shining on top of it.

    3. I definitely need to work on just doesn't come out the way I want it to. I'm not the best at blending colors, that's for sure! So I need to work on getting the write shades and using my brush technique to melt them together.

  38. 1. Tell me in your own words what pops out in your artwork that you like.
    I think that the best object in the painting is the pinecone. I feel that I made it fairly realistic(ish).

    2. Talk to me about your shading and highlights. Be specific-what was successful with shading and what needs to be improved upon.
    I attempted to put shine and highlights on the small pumpkin and I don't think they turned out very well at all. I did try to go from light to dark on each object but it could have been MUCH more pronounced on the corn.

    3. Now that you have completed 2 large paintings-tell me what you think you need to work on at this point. Please be specific and tell me why you feel that way.
    I feel that I need to make things look more realistic. I just overall am completely unsatisfied with my work.

  39. 1. The thing that I like is my Pumpkin it's very cool when you look at it.

    2. The Shading is almost right but I mess it up a bit but to me I tried hard on it .

    3. Well I need to try and use more black to make it more darker in the shadow.

  40. 1. I really liked my pumpkin. I loved my shading!

    2. My shading is just right in my opinion. Darker at the bottom and lighter at the top!

    3. I just need to learn how to blend a little better :p

  41. 1. Tell me in your own words what pops out in your artwork that you like.
    i like the colors that i use in my artwork

    2. Talk to me about your shading and highlights. Be specific-what was successful with shading and what needs to be improved upon.
    i think my background was the most successful with shading, and i think i need to work more on shading the same colors together.

    3. Now that you have completed 2 large paintings-tell me what you think you need to work on at this point. Please be specific and tell me why you feel that way.
    i think i need to work more on my drawing, and blending colors together

  42. 1 . I think that my pumpkin stood out the most
    2, my favorite think that i liked was the corn because there were alot of verity of colors in it.
    3. The thing need to work on is shading , and also learn to blend a lot better. and also take my time and not rush through my work .

  43. 1. I think my background and my corn really stands out in my artwork. They are both very bright and vibrant and lots of colors which makes it stand out.

    2. I shaded in the pumpkin and the background. I think my background was successful with the contrast between the different shades of blue. However, I think the shading in my pumpkin needed some improvement because you can definitely tell where the colors met, it was very harsh.

    3. I definitely need to work on blending two colors. They are two harsh at this point, you can see where one color ends and the other begins.
